Prayer Vessels were inspired by my Reiki Practice. In December of 2012, I began an eleven week daily Peace Weaving Practice designed by one of my Reiki Teachers, Laurelle Gaia. During the course of my daily meditations I was guided to create these vessels. They are intended to be used as communication tools. Simply write your prayers/intentions down on a piece of paper, then place them inside. It is my hope that they inspire you on your healing path and that every vessel might contain a prayer for peace.

Wisdom Of The Woods

To some, the stag's antlers represent a radiation of heavenly light and to other's the stag represents wisdom. He is the Keeper of Truth and will guide one through illusion. This vessel is crafted of hand-thrown stoneware and a natural shed antler sourced from conscientious collectors.

Whispers From Angels

Crafted of "Seafoam" glazed, hand-thrown stoneware with a branch handle and wrapped with sterling silver wire, this vessel is perfect for keeping a loved one's ashes or any special treasures, prayers, dreams... anything that needs a sacred space.

Beauty in the Balance

To some, the stag's antlers represent a radiation of heavenly light and to other's the stag represents wisdom. He is the Keeper of Truth and will guide one through illusion. This vessel is crafted of hand-thrown stoneware and a natural shed antler sourced from conscientious collectors.

It’s Only a Change of Worlds

Pray Peace. Pray Love. Pray a New World into Being.
This vessel is crafted of "Solstice Sky" glazed, hand-thrown stoneware with a lacquer finished branch gathered at the base of Granite Mountain.

It Has Become Beauty Again: Prayers For A New Plateau

At the end of October, 2017, I spent the weekend at Kane Ranch in House Rock Valley, AZ with nine other artists and some of the amazing souls who run the Grand Canyon Trust. So many times I had driven through that valley and longed to stop and spend time there. I wanted to experience life, even briefly, near the Vermillion Cliffs. My weekend there was like a dream. It's such a wild and unforgiving land of indescribable beauty. On April 6, 2018 we presented our works for the exhibit "Voices for the Colorado Plateau: An Intimate Expanse". It is my hope that our art will continue to inspire a deep appreciation and connection to this place.

Hidden Treasure

Crafted of "Rivendell Rain" glazed, hand-thrown stoneware. Atop the lid is a cactus skeleton coated with clear, matte, lacquer. It is perfect for keeping a loved one's ashes or any special treasures, prayers, dreams... anything that needs a sacred space.



Lemurian Dream Vessels